Introducing EDGE Connect - included with the purchase of all new TICO Pro-Spotters for 2 years post PDI.
Edge Connect elevates the industry leading TICO EDGE service functionality to new heights – connecting your terminal tractor to TICO EDGE via telematics with actionable information, only when you need it. EDGE Connect provides you with automated case creation with severe fault codes, proprietary fault code information, and engine hour meter data – all inside of TICO EDGE!
TICO Uptime Center will activate the device upon receipt and acceptance of the unit’s Pre-Delivery Inspection. The customer or dealer is not responsible for activating.
For aftermarket solutions, please reference the aftermarket Edge Connect program through the TICO parts department.
Edge Connect Fault Data Details
Overview of fault code case creation
Service Now Severity definition:
Service Now (Amber) faults, otherwise known as Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC's) are triggered when a concern with the equipment is present. Service Now codes generally relate to issues that lead to equipment derating and require prompt attention (Please see example below).
Case w/ Faults tab created by TICO Diagnostics
Service Now (Amber) level fault codes automatically produce a case in Edge for the Fleet and TICO's Uptime Center. The automatically created case enables both partners to take further action in rectifying equipment concerns by having the critical fault data available (Please see examples below).
Fault Action/Details
When a Cummins FiberRed fault is present, a dedicated faults tab will be available to both the Fleet and Uptime center. Details such as snapshot readings, onboard diagnostic values, Status, Fault Code Descriptions, Related Faults, Last Occurrence, and Counts are available. (Please see example below).
Diagnostic History
Each time a fault is present, the fault information is stored for historical purposes at the case level. Users can always search for the equipment and view fault code history from the case Faults tab. (Please see example below)
Edge Connect Preferences
Setting up Fault Code case creation Notification Preferences
All Edge users have a wealth of notification types available to them and can easily establish their notification preferences by visiting their My Profile area. The Vehicle Notification Messages are specifically designed with Telematics notifications in mind. Users can enable both email and text messages/SMS notifications for Asset Arrived, Departed, as well as High, Medium, and Low Severity Faults. (Please see example below)
Edge Connect Uptime Center Involvement
When an active fault is present on Edge Connect enabled equipment, a case is automatically created at TICO's Uptime Center with all fault details and is automatically available to the fleet as well. This enables both the Uptime center and the Fleet to be proactive and work together to efficiently rectify concerns.
Edge Connect Meter Data
With Edge Connect enabled equipment, both engine hours and mileage are updated hourly in addition to each time a fault code is triggered. Engine hours and mileage updates are viewable via the Edge equipment profile, active cases, as well as by Edges standard reporting services. (Please see example below)
Edge Connect Hour Meter Reporting and Insite Subscription Creation
This can be found in Insite as a Standard report at the Fleet level (all fleets). The fleet user will need to go into Insite and create a subscription to run this report to be emailed. The Standard report is named “Asset Listing with PM Schedules Report” and contains many fields but will focus on the following:
Chassis ID
Unit Number
Most Recent Mileage
Mileage Update At
Most Recent Engine Hours
Engine Hours Updated At
To enable the “Asset Listing with PM Schedules Report” as a subscription, from the Fleet Reports folder in Insite, right click on the report name and select “Subscribe…”
From the Scheduled Jobs screen, click on Create Schedule
Select the Recurrence Type to create the schedule based off a Simple occurrence or more complex Calendar occurrence to choose the days and times of the week desired to execute the subscription.
Select Output Options tab to tailor the file name, description, time zone, and format of the file to be delivered.
On the Notifications tab, input the email address or addresses of the individuals who need to receive this subscription notification. Please note, the addresses here do not need to be users of Edge or Insite but anyone who would benefit from seeing this report. The email subject line, message, and options on full or zip attachment can be selected. Once finalized, click the Save button to create the subscription.
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