Service Provider users with Dealer Administrator permissions have access to the Administrative Tools page where you can find the Customize Your Database Administrative Tool.
The Customize Your Database Tool lets you set up the Dealership Profile and customize it specifically for your dealership processes.
To edit your Dealership Profile:
- Open your location from the Portal.
- From the menu bar, click Admin.
- On the Administrative Tools page, click Customize Your Database.
- From the Dealership Profile list, select an option and follow the instructions below for each section:
Location Information
The Location Information page includes the set of configuration options available for each location. Service Managers can configure these options for each location they manage.
For more info, see: Set Up Your Location Information.
Sales Tax
On the Sales Tax page, you can configure the sales tax options available to ensure sales tax is applied to the necessary charges within cases.
To edit or populate sales tax:
- In the Dealership Profile section of the Customize Your Database page, click Sales Tax.
- On the Edit Sales Tax page, update or populate the sales tax information.
- Click SAVE CHANGES. A green banner will appear at the top of the screen to confirm sales tax information has been updated.
- To return to the Customize Your Database screen, click BACK on the top right of the screen
Appointment Options
On the Appointment Options page, you can configure the Calendar feature. When the Calendar feature is enabled, it appears to users based on the options you select here.
Appointment Configurations
To edit Appointment Configurations:
- In the Dealership Profile section of the Customize Your Database page, click Appointment Options.
- On the Appointment Configurations tab of the Edit Appointment Options page, enter or select the necessary information related to appointment options for your service location.
Descriptions of each setting are provided on the screen. - Click SAVE CHANGES.
- To return to the Customize Your Database screen, click BACK on the top right of the screen.
Fields That Display on Each Calendar Block
One of the Appointment Configurations you can set is which information you want displayed on each block of the calendar. This includes info like Technician Name or icons if the asset is Under Warranty or has an active Recall.
To enable these icons to the Calendar for your location:
- Open your location from the Portal.
- From the menu bar, click Admin > Customize Your Database
- On the Customize Your Database page, select Appointment Options.
- On the Edit Appointment Options page, scroll down a set of checkboxes called Displayable Fields in Calendar Box.
- Check the fields you want to display on each calendar block; uncheck the fields you don't.
Calendar Hours
The Calendar Hours page is where you configure the working hours for your appointment calendars. The hours you enter display in white on your calendar, while the remaining hours display in grey. These hours only appear to your internal users on your appointment calendar.
To edit the Hours of Operation that display to fleet users as part of your Location Information, see also: Set up Your Location Information
To set the calendar hours:
- Open your location from the Portal.
- From the menu bar, click Admin > Customize Your Database
- On the Customize Your Database page, select Appointment Options, then select the Hours of Operation tab.
- To edit the hours for a day that already has hours assigned, click the DAY OF THE WEEK you want to edit.
To add hours for a day not listed, click ADD NEW in the top-right. - For existing hours on the Editing Schedule page, modify the hours of operation as needed using the OPENS and CLOSES dropdown menus.
For new hours on the New Schedule page, use the SCHEDULE FOR dropdown to select a day of the week and add the hours of operation using the OPENS and CLOSES dropdown menus.
NOTE: Calendar hours cannot include hours that go past midnight for a specific day. - Click SAVE.
- Repeat steps 4-6 for any other days of the week that you need to edit.
Floor Capacity Limit
The service manager or lead mechanic can add the floor capacity for each day based on bays and mechanics via the Floor Capacity Limit field.
When a certain day reaches the amount of appointments set in the floor capacity, the user won't be able to create a new appointment in the calendar.
When the user adds a new appointment, and selects the date, if the capacity is full, there is a message indicating that the capacity is full and the appointment can't be saved. If there is still availability, then the user can create the appointment.
In a multi-day appointment, only the first date or check-in is considered in the capacity count. Thus, users will only be prevented from scheduling a new appointment if the first day is at full capacity.
To configure your location's floor capacity limits:
- From the Portal, select your location.
- Click Admin in the top menu bar.
- Click Customize Your Database.
- Click Appointment Options.
- On the Edit Appointment Options page, scroll down to the Floor Capacity Limit dropdown and select ENABLE.
- Select the Floor Capacity (per calendar) tab at the top of the page.
- Select the date you want to the edit the floor capacity for, and click CHANGE FLOOR CAPACITIES DATE.
- Enter a floor capacity for each calendar.
The capacity will now show in each calendar in the Day view.
Calendar Colors By Repair Status
If you have access to the Admin Tools, you can configure what color a case appointment displays as on the Calendar based on its current Repair Status.
There are enough colors for each Repair Status to be associated with a different color, however, you can also use the same color for more than one, such as Complete (Gone) and Complete (Here). As a case moves through each Repair Status, the color will change with it on the Calendar based on your configurations.
By default, each Repair Status is set to appear as grey . If the appointment does not have a case associated with it, it will also appear as grey .
To configure your calendar color by Repair Status:
- From the Portal, select your location.
- Click Admin in the top menu bar.
- Click Customize Your Database.
- Click Appointment Options, then select the Calendar Color Configurations tab at the top of the page.
- For each Repair Status, select the color dropdown to view the available colors, then select a new color, and click outside the color box.
- When you finish making your changes, click SAVE CHANGES.
All calendars for your location will update with the new color configurations the next time users log in or refresh their screen.
In addition to the color, you can also configure your appointments to display a tag with the Repair Status on it so your users always know the current state of the related case.
See above: Configure the Fields That Display on Each Calendar Block
Services Provided
On the Services Provided page, you can select which services are provided to customers by location and what hours show as your Hours of Operation when users view your location information.
Use the Details tab to select which services your location provides and indicate if you work on specific types of Assets, Engines, Makes, Power Sources, or Tire Makes as well as indicate which payment types are accepted, and which Specialty Services are provided.
To update or add Services Provided:
- In the Dealership Profile section of the Customize Your Database page, click Services Provided.
- On the Services Provided page, check the boxes for your services your location provides.
- If the option you need is not on the list, contact support to discuss other possible options.
- To return to the Customize Your Database screen, click CUSTOMIZE YOUR DATABASE on the top right of the screen.
Hours of Operation
Use the Hours of Operation tab to configure what hours display for your location when fleet users are searching for a service location. These hours do not affect your calendar hours, but do appear to external users.
To edit the Calendar Hours that determine which hours are available for appointments see also: Appointment Options
To set the Hours of Operation:
- In the Dealership Profile section of the Customize Your Database page, click Services Provided, then select the Hours of Operation tab.
- To edit the hours for a day that already has hours assigned, click the DAY OF THE WEEK you want to edit.
To add hours for a day not listed, click ADD NEW in the top-right. - For existing hours on the Editing Schedule page, modify the hours of operation as needed using the OPENS and CLOSES dropdown menus.
For new hours on the New Schedule page, use the SCHEDULE FOR dropdown to select a day of the week and add the hours of operation using the OPENS and CLOSES dropdown menus.
NOTE: Hours of Operation can include hours that go past midnight and still be considered part of the initial day; e.g., Tuesday 8AM - 2AM. - Click SAVE.
- Repeat steps 2-4 for any other days of the week you need to edit or add.
Line Item Statuses
On the Line Item Statuses page, you can configure available line item statuses for individual operations on cases. Some options are already available as shown below, but others can be added as needed. Each status can be associated with a color, and the list can also be rearranged.
To edit a line item status:
- In the Dealership Profile section of the Customize Your Database page, click Line Item Statuses.
- On the Edit Line Item Statuses page:
- To add new statuses: enter the new status, select a color from the dropdown menu, then click SAVE CHANGES.
- To delete a status: delete the name, set the color choice back to blank, then click SAVE CHANGES.
- To rearrange statuses: Drag them up or down on the list by the handle/arrows to the left of each row, then click SAVE CHANGES.
- To return to the Customize Your Database screen, click BACK on the top right of the screen.
Job Codes
On the Job Codes page, you can configure job codes for line items and cases for integration with various business systems.
To add a Job Code:
- In the Dealership Profile section of the Customize Your Database page, click Job Codes.
- On the Edit Job Codes page, type in the codes you want to add.
- On the top right of the screen, click SAVE.
- To return to the Customize Your Database screen, click BACK on the top right of the screen.
Price Codes
Price codes display under the operation in the Price code section of the Editing Case page. Once the user starts typing in a Price Code, the system will recommend price codes from the list of existing price codes.
To add or update the existing Price Codes:
- In the Dealership Profile section of the Customize Your Database page, click Price Codes.
- To add a price code type the new code and its description, then click ADD.
- To edit an existing Price code, click EDIT next to your selected code at the bottom of the page.
- To delete an existing Price code, click DELETE next to your selected code at the bottom of the page.
- To return to the Customize Your Database screen, click BACK on the top right of the screen.
Reason for Repair
The Reason for Repair page allows you to control which Reasons for Repair users can apply to a case or an operation. When users go to set a Reason for Repair on the Editing Case page or Editing Operation page, they'll only see the reasons you enabled on this page.
To enable Reasons for Repair:
- In the Dealership Profile section of the Customize Your Database page, click Reason for Repair.
- On the Reason for Repair page, select the Enable checkbox.
The reasons for repair will display with all options selected by default. - Uncheck any reasons you do not want available, and leave any reasons checked you do want enabled for users.
You can also use the Select All or Select None options at the top as needed.
- To return to the Customize Your Database screen, click CUSTOMIZE YOUR DATABASE on the top right of the screen.
API Settings
The API Settings page allows you to enable remote requests for estimate requests and see the login and password information needed to make API requests.
To enable API requests:
- In the Dealership Profile section of the Customize Your Database page, click API Settings.
- On the API Settings page, Click Enable External API.
- You will be directed to a new page with a green checkmark and a confirmation that an external API has been set up for your account.
- To return to the Customize Your Database screen, click BACK on the top right of the screen.
Platform API
The Platform API page allows you to manage settings and configure the notification endpoints or bearer tokens.
To create a new profile for the Platform API:
- In the Dealership Profile section of the Customize Your Database page, click Platform API.
- On the Platform API Profiles page, click CREATE A NEW PROFILE .
- On the Create a new profile page, select the user type from the dropdown menu and click CREATE. The system will take you to the newly generated User Profile page.
- To return to the previous screen click BACK.
- To return to the Customize Your Database Screen, click Customize Your Database in the left column Admin tools menu.
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